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This blog originated in 2020. With the advent of Covid-19, I found myself locked in my house with my three-year-old wired hair Dachshund, Twoee. She taught me a lot during that first month and stayed by my side while we jumped from one thing to another…experimenting as we went along.

The site is arranged into four categories, each indicated by a picture of Twoee on the left. After all she did inspire me.

Penne’s Pantry

Cooking came late in life to me. After spending my career in boardrooms across the United States I found that I truly loved being at home in the kitchen. Here you will find recipes, videos of food preparations, and tips on cooking in general.

Trips and Tips

I love to travel, so stories came naturally to me. Read about various encounters I had along the way through some exciting cities in Europe.

Twoee Tails

Here you will find stories about Twoee. Read about her run for presidency in 2016, her adventures with her pals, and how she got involved with Covid-19.

Writers’ Workshop

Keep up to date with the novel that I am writing…if I ever get it finished; and various other short stories.

My dear friend Nonie, who a lot of you know, posted this article  on Facebook. I was so touched by it I wanted to share it with you. I hope it touches your heart as it did mine.

Thanksgiving Day
November 26, 2020

My Thanksgiving Gift

Yesterday, while on my morning walk with my friend and her dogs, I received a gift. Perhaps the most poignant gift I have received in a long time.

 Just a bit ahead of us, walking down the middle of the street, pushing a mostly empty cart was a man, clearly homeless. He was quiet and simply moving through the neighborhood, trying to be as invisible as he could make himself.

Across the street, two boys were playing…one on a bicycle, one afoot. The boy who was on his feet, ran up to the man and handed him something. I asked the boy what he had given him. He replied “$20”. “How did you happen to have $20 in your pocket?”, I asked. “My Grandmother always gives us $20!”

I hollered back “Tell your Grandma what you did with your money! You will make her proud!” I know I was proud of him!

Today, I find myself thinking about this young man. His action was spontaneous, generous and heartfelt. His companion asked him why he did that, “because he is homeless”

Maybe his generation will be the ones that help us find the right blend of community caring and action needed to temper people’s ability to close their eyes to the national shame of homelessness.

This boy’s gift to me? Hope and optimism that perhaps we have finally raised a generation that can help American greed be replaced with the true values needed for us to ensure all of our fellow Americans a chance for a better life.

We have much to be thankful for.

Nora Welshans


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